Thursday, March 25, 2010

It's been a while since I've posted anything new. Nothing really new to say till now. I was practising, practising, practising on my Novus FP. I was trying to get good at nose in hovering and control for the day when the New Novus 125 CP would be available.

Well yippeee! Yesterday the Hobby Hobby in streetsville finally got in the Novus 125 CP on their website. Since I was going to be dropping off a friend at the airport I took the family for a swing by streetsville. Got the last one on the shelf. It must have been the longest drive home, and the longest wait for the battery to charge -- only to find out the charger is broken and won't charge the battery, good thing the Novus FP is has the same charger --

So I started it up on the dinning room table. Man flying the CX is like flying a tri-cycle, the FP like riding a bike, and the Novus 125 CP is like driving a high performance race car. WOW what a difference. The controls are so sensitive the slightest touch and I'm over correcting. And that's on the low sensitivity setting! I'm really anxious to fly it outside. The with a content blade speed, and the fact 60% power is enough to sent it rapidly approaching the ceiling -- 50% throttle is hover speed --, I might have a chance now at fighting the wind. For anyone thinking of stepping up from the CX helicopter I strongly recommend the a Fixed-Pitch first.

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