Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Novus 125 CP and the missing parts

So the saga continues. Ordered parts and they arrived on Tuesday. Got everything fixed up. But then I decided to drive down to Streetsville to pick up a new receiver with the new Triple Axis Gyro Stabilization (TAGS).

Thought I'd get smart and went to Erindale park after the purchase. Sat at a picnic table and started to work on the helicopter. Idea was I could go back to the store to get any parts I needed. Well turns out the heli was completely out of balance and the instructions on the receiver are very miss-leading. Would have been nice to come with a manual. I got the heli airborne but the tail whipped around and I lost control. It landed in the bushes and I busted the flybar. -- in hindsight I realized I never tested after I fixed the tail -- So went to the store to get the parts. Spent probably an hour only to find the parts labeled on the manual are wrong. It says the flybar weights are in the HMXE8557 package. Turns out there not. There is a separate part number for it HMXE8556.

Got home with all the parts and was taking it apart. Got the head assembly off no problem. Took the paddles, weights, and ball carrier off no problem. But couldn't get the fly bar out of the pivot assembly. -- Turns out it's an unlabeled part in the manual HMXE8559, which since it's unlabeled I didn't get it. --Needless to say it broke, seems it was weakened by one of my crashes, or so I guess.

So now I'm back to a heli in pieces. I'm starting to think I'm cursed. I think what I'm going for now is HMXE7476 (Heli-Max Complt CNC Alum Rotor Head Conversion Novus CP) and I'm just going to replace the entire head!

Did find the manual for the new TAGS system... maybe a little late though:

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    cool , thanks for posting , it is great that Novus has come out with a 4G6 , there will be parts in the local hobby shops now , as you know the 4G6 and Novus 125 CP parts are all the same , so you can order replacements from the online shops if you need , check out
